Our CRN engineering standards provide an assurance framework for managing safety, assets and the environment.
Our standards assure the integrity of the CRN and verify that only competent people undertake engineering design, maintenance and project activities. Our standards underline UGLRL’s rail engineering requirements. The engineering standards guide activities on the CRN. Compliance is mandatory for anyone undertaking engineering work on the CRN or for the supply of engineering works.
If you are new to UGLRL engineering standards please read our standards and codes system manual before using any other engineering standards that are available on this page.
Engineering standards by discipline
Engineering authority
The UGLRL Principal Engineers manage engineering standards and related processes for each area. Our Principal Engineers are responsible for assigning Engineering Authority relating to assets and for the development, maintenance and approval of standards documentation (including standards, manuals specifications, procedures and technical maintenance plans). The process helps ensure that our engineering infrastructure is designed, constructed, operated and maintained to achieve safety, reliability and performance targets. Anyone undertaking engineering activities for - or on behalf of UGLRL - must comply with these engineering standards.
Contact us
Enquiries about our engineering standards, including interpretation, may be made to a Principal Engineer through our contact us page.
Copyright: The information in these engineering standards documents is protected by copyright and no part of these documents may be reproduced, altered, stored or transmitted by any person without the prior consent of UGLRL.